Call Diversion

You can manage your call diversion settings on this page.

List of Call Diversions

The call diversions already configured are displayed in this area with the following information:

Active In this column you can enable or disable a call diversion already configured.
Calls Shows which calls will trigger the configured call diversion. For instance, all calls to the lines "FON1, FON2 or FON3", the numbers configured on these lines, or calls from certain parties in your Telephone Book.
Divert via Shows the number and the kind of connection used for the diversion.
Destination Telephone Number Shows the number to which the call will be diverted.
Divert to Shows the cases in which the call will be diverted.

Use the buttons on the right edge of the table to delete or edit the configured call diversions.

Use the "New Call Diversion" button to configure new settings for call diversion.

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